😍Bộ công cụ chuyển đổi Text to SVG && Animation 😉

Chú ý: Chọn Separate Characters thấy text chia thành khá nhiều path trong svg

Bước 1:


Bước 2:

<svg id="logosvg" viewBox="0 0 312.96 295.25">
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const SVGLOGO = document.getElementById('logo');

const LOGOLENGTH = SVGLOGO.getTotalLength();

SVGLOGO.style.strokeDasharray = LOGOLENGTH;
SVGLOGO.style.strokeDashoffset = LOGOLENGTH;

const drawWhenScroll = () => {
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const calcScrollPercent = () => {
    let height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight;
    return document.documentElement.scrollTop / height;
window.addEventListener('scroll', drawWhenScroll);
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body {
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body #logosvg .cls-1 {
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  transition: fill 250ms;

Hoặc có thể sử dụng các mẫu này làm animation cho text

<h1>Scroll Down To Find Out Who Sucks</h1>
<svg width="520px" height="74px" viewBox="0 0 520 74" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
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        <path class="path" d="M 41.6 71.201 L 0 71.201 L 0 1.201 L 9.5 1.201 L 9.5 62.701 L 41.6 62.701 L 41.6 71.201 Z" id="0" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/>
  <path class="path" d="M 60.6 71.201 L 51.1 71.201 L 51.1 1.201 L 60.6 1.201 L 60.6 71.201 Z" id="1" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/>
  <path class="path" d="M 100.008 71.643 A 36.51 36.51 0 0 0 107.6 72.401 A 38.35 38.35 0 0 0 112.762 72.064 A 30.074 30.074 0 0 0 121.5 69.551 Q 127.6 66.701 131.9 61.751 Q 136.2 56.801 138.45 50.201 Q 140.7 43.601 140.7 36.101 A 48.215 48.215 0 0 0 140.621 33.323 A 41.439 41.439 0 0 0 138.45 22.101 Q 136.2 15.601 131.9 10.601 Q 127.6 5.601 121.45 2.801 A 29.925 29.925 0 0 0 115.558 0.838 A 36.42 36.42 0 0 0 107.6 0.001 A 39.35 39.35 0 0 0 101.372 0.476 A 29.661 29.661 0 0 0 89.9 4.751 Q 82.5 9.501 78.55 17.651 A 37.989 37.989 0 0 0 75.715 25.764 A 46.182 46.182 0 0 0 74.6 36.101 A 48.913 48.913 0 0 0 74.635 37.961 A 42.769 42.769 0 0 0 76.85 50.201 A 39.376 39.376 0 0 0 77.289 51.423 A 34.353 34.353 0 0 0 83.35 61.751 Q 87.6 66.701 93.7 69.551 A 29.142 29.142 0 0 0 100.008 71.643 Z M 107.6 64.201 A 26.517 26.517 0 0 0 113.548 63.566 A 19.316 19.316 0 0 0 120.5 60.501 A 22.47 22.47 0 0 0 127.825 51.63 A 27.252 27.252 0 0 0 128.35 50.451 A 34.108 34.108 0 0 0 130.672 41.522 A 43.503 43.503 0 0 0 131 36.101 Q 131 30.701 129.4 25.701 A 29.735 29.735 0 0 0 125.26 17.374 A 28.121 28.121 0 0 0 124.8 16.751 Q 121.8 12.801 117.45 10.501 A 19.921 19.921 0 0 0 110.033 8.319 A 24.578 24.578 0 0 0 107.6 8.201 A 24.086 24.086 0 0 0 101.108 9.041 A 19.545 19.545 0 0 0 95.05 11.901 A 23.148 23.148 0 0 0 87.449 21.027 A 27.785 27.785 0 0 0 87.05 21.901 A 32.793 32.793 0 0 0 84.596 31.088 A 41.257 41.257 0 0 0 84.3 36.101 Q 84.3 41.501 85.85 46.551 A 29.379 29.379 0 0 0 90.031 55.096 A 27.923 27.923 0 0 0 90.4 55.601 Q 93.4 59.601 97.75 61.901 A 19.921 19.921 0 0 0 105.167 64.082 A 24.578 24.578 0 0 0 107.6 64.201 Z" id="2" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/>
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@keyframes scrollBG { 
  0%, 100% { background-position: 0% 50%; }
  50% { background-position: 100% 50%; }

body {
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h1 {
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svg {
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$(document).ready(function() {
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    // (how far window is from top / total height * 100)
    // calculate the dash based on that
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    $(".path").css("stroke-dashoffset", fullLength - dashLength);

    <svg id="logosvg" viewBox="0 0 322.3 72.401" width="322.3" height="72.401">
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const SVGLOGO = document.getElementById('logo');

const LOGOLENGTH = SVGLOGO.getTotalLength();

SVGLOGO.style.strokeDasharray = LOGOLENGTH;
SVGLOGO.style.strokeDashoffset = LOGOLENGTH;

const drawWhenScroll = () => {
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    if (calcScrollPercent() === 1) {
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const calcScrollPercent = () => {
    let height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight;
    return document.documentElement.scrollTop / height;
window.addEventListener('scroll', drawWhenScroll);


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let paths = document.querySelectorAll("path");
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function fillSvgPaths() {
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Sử dụng text trong svg luôn

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Last updated